Juni 03, 2012

week twentytwo

22/52 - put an ocean and a river between everybody else, between everything, yourself and home

someone send a runner
through the weather that i'm under
for the feeling that i lost today
someone send a runner
for the feeling that i lost today

someone send a runner
through the weather that i'm under
for the feeling that i lost today
someone send a runner
for the feeling that i lost today

you must be somewhere in london
you must be loving your life in the rain
you must be somewhere in london
walking abbey lane

i don't even think to make
i don't even think to make
i don't even think to make corrections

famous angels never come through england
england gets the ones you never need
i'm in a los angeles cathedral
minor singing airheads sing for me

put an ocean and a river
between everybody else,
between everything, yourself, and home
put an ocean and a river
between everything, yourself, and home

you must be somewhere in london
you must be loving your life in the rain
you must be somewhere in london
walking abbey lane

i don't even think to make
i don't even think to make
i don't even think to make corrections

famous angels never come through england
england gets the ones you never need
i'm in a los angeles cathedral
minor singing airheads sing for me

afraid of the house, stay the night with the sinners
afraid of the house, stay the night with the sinners
afraid of the house, 'cause they're desperate to entertain

— the national, england

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